Microsoft 365 Group Configuration for SBX

  • Create a Microsoft 365 group in Exchange admin center
  • SBX requires that each member of the group must receive copies of all group emails to their inbox.
    Enable this setting by going to "Group settings" and selecting "Send copies of team emails and events to team members inboxes"
  • By default, Outlook allows your group to only receive emails originating from your organization.
    If you want to let people outside the organization email this group, then you can select "Let people outside the organization email this team"

Group creation page

  • To allow users to send emails with a group email address you have 2 options
    1. Add users one-by-one in Settings - Manage delegates
    2. If you have a lot of users, it is easier to use automatically generated Powershell scripts to add all users to the group available on the SBX Portal (accessible after starting free trial).
Learn how you can use SBX to take back control of your inbox and collaborate effectively in Outlook